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Allies in Restoring American Maritime Leadership

There has been a groundswell of support and steadfast dedication to sounding the alarm on the state of our nation's shipbuilding, maritime and logistics capacities. Restoring those capabilities is essential to the future economic well being and security of our children and grandchildren.  


An enormous thanks is owed to the workers, industry and government servants that have stepped up to demand action. Without their hard work and dedication, we would not have this path to new American-made hulls being built.


American workers are ready to turn the tide on China's domination, rebuild and expand our shipyards and reinvigorate a forgotten sector that underpins the global economy. 




Vital Partners

Industrial labor unions (* indicates Section 301 Petitioner) led the charge in demanding action to rebuild and revitalize American shipbuilding, maritime and logistics sectors in the face of China's  discriminatory policies that have contributed to the hollowing of our nation's critical industrial base.  That effort is being supported by dedicated advocates for a stronger U.S. industrial base and American workers.

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