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Revitalizing U.S. Commercial Shipbuilding and Maritime Power
American workers are leading an effort to rebuild a maritime sector that has been hollowed out by decades of the Chinese Communist Party's efforts to dominate global shipbuilding, maritime commerce, and logistics.

Workers lead the way in demanding action to revitalize American shipbuilding and strengthening economic and national security

Locations of remaining U.S. shipyards for large hull ocean-going vessels.

Public Yards

The U.S. once operated close to 30 shipyards capable of meeting U.S. maritime and shipbuilding needs. Today, decades of China's state-driven market distortions have hollowed out that industrial base, leaving a handful of commercial yards to repair, maintain and build the next generation of vessels.
Percentage of the worlds' 2023 commercial ship orders that went to China's shipyards.
Reduction in American shipyards capable of large hull production since 1980
Beijing's unfair support for the shipping and shipbuilding industry between 2010 and 2018.
The number of China's 13 shipyards needed to match the totality of American shipbuilding capacity.
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